ADM Agriculture specialise in supplying human consumption pulse products and have built up a reputation for quality, both domestically and world-wide
ADM Agriculture export many thousands of tonnes of bagged pulses in containers to countries around the world, as well as producing bagged pulse products for a wide range of domestic customers.
Our purpose built production lines involve comprehensive cleaning through highly sophisticated and specialised cleaning equipment, including the most up-to-date colour sorting machines. These machines can differentiate between changes in colour so removal of stained or discoloured products, vegetable or non-vegetable matter, can be carried out. Once product has been cleaned, our automated packing line allows us to pack into a variety of bag sizes to meet customer needs.
Products supplied by us have a vast range of uses, including canning, packets for supermarkets, fish and chip shop trade, mushy peas, dry roasted bar snacks plus sweet pea paste for confectionery products in the Far East. Our processing lines also incorporate equipment used for decorticating (skinning) and splitting when required.

Health Benefits
Pulses are extremely good for you; they can improve the health of consumers in many ways:
Pulses are very high in fibre, containing both soluble and insoluble fibres. Soluble fibre helps to decrease blood cholesterol levels and control blood sugar levels, insoluble fibre helps with digestion and regularity
Pulses are one of the most sustainable agricultural commodities grown in the UK.

Marrowfat Peas

Faba Beans

Yellow Peas

Green Peas

Yellow Split Peas

Green Split Peas

Split Beans

Maple Peas

Decorticated Product