We annually export approximately 20% of the UK’s total feed grain surplus
ADM Agriculture is well placed to service our customer’s requirements when it comes to feed grains.
ADM Agriculture are one of the principal suppliers to the UK animal feed industry. We service the needs of national compounders and local independent producers and are proactively working with the supply chain to bring together local farmer suppliers with the best end markets.
In addition to working with the UK animal feed industry, we are also one of the UK’s principal exporters. We have our own deep water export facilities where we can load large vessels for the global market and ship grain in smaller size vessels from other ports around the UK.

Worldwide export network
ADM’s international connections give ADM Agriculture access to global grain markets. This worldwide network also gives ADM Agriculture access to critical, market defining information as it is happening.

Milling Wheat

Feed Grain

Malting Barley

Oilseed Rape


